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Everything But the Kitchen Sink, La Luz De Jesus Gallery, Los Angeles, CA.

Creature Feature, Left Hand Black Gallery, San Diego, CA

Re Pre Sen TENN, Channel to Channel Gallery, Chattanooga, TN  

Off The Walls, Association for Visual Artists, Chattanooga, TN


Strange Overtone, Online Group Exhibition, (curated by Kevin Titzer)

Break My Heart, Wavelength Gallery, Chattanooga, TN. 



Salon Show. Stove Works, Chattanooga, TN

Tiny Things, Wavelength Gallery, Chattanooga, TN

The Coaster Show, La Luz De Jesus Gallery, Los Angeles, CA



Residency Exhibition, Fluorescent Gallery, Knoxville, TN (Mineral House)

Mutation, The Dark Art Emporium, Long Beach, CA

No Stars, The Living Gallery Outpost, New York, NY

Nothing Cheezy, Think Tank Gallery, Los Angeles, CA

Tiny Terrors II, The Dark Art Emporium, Long Beach, CA (curated by Jeremy Cross)

Smoke Show, Elephant Gallery, Nashville, TN

Creature Feature, Left Hand Black, San Diego, CA


Abandon Arts, PopUp Projects, Alstom Turbo Machines, Chattanooga, TNdd


Discolandia II, Wonderland SF, San Francisco, CA.


Wunderkrammer, The Bell House, Brooklyn, NY (curated by Divya Ananthram)

Horror Show iii, Chattanooga, TN ( curated by Aaron Cowan)

Horror Business 7, Left Hand Black, San Diego, CA.


House Of Spirits, Los Angeles, CA

Say It Don't Spray IT, Mothership Toy Gallery, Philadelphia, PA

Tiny Terrors, The Dark Art Emporium, Long Beach, CA

ShapeShifter show, AVA Gallery, Chattanooga, TN

Conjoined VIII, Copro Gallery, Santa Monica, CA (curated by Chet Zar)


Don't Wake Daddy, Feinkunst Kruger, Hamburg, Germany (curated by Heiko Muller)

ACEO Mini Art Show, Gristle Gallery, Brooklyn, NY (curated by Zoe Williams)

De Domo Diaboli, The Living Gallery Outpost, Brooklyn, NY (curated by Stephen Romano)

Inaugural Show, LIT Gallery, Chattanooga, TN

Cardboard Coverall Dreams, A Wayne White Tribute show, ERR Space Gallery, Chattanooga, TN

Sonic Splendor, Revolution Gallery, Buffalo, NY

Avoid Eye Contact, Sally Centigrade Gallery, Denver CO 

Conjoined VII, Copro Gallery, Santa Monica, CA (curated by Chet Zar)


Cancer Show, Hyaena Gallery, Burbank, CA.

Horror Show, SWINE gallery, Chattanooga, TN

Creature Feature, Left Hand Black, San Diego, CA

Statim Finis, Stephen Romano Gallery, Bushwick NY


Midnight Paracosm, Stephen Romano Gallery, Bushwick NY. (solo show)


Geometries, Sally Centigrade Gallery, Denver, CO (curated by CCV art collective)


Conjoined VI, Copro Gallery, Santa Monica CA, (curated by Chet Zar)



Master Blasters of Sculpture 7, Hive Gallery, Los Angeles CA (curated by Nathan Cartwright) 


Interiors, Gristle Gallery, Brooklyn, NY (curated by CCV art collective)


Magica Sexualis, Stephen Romano Gallery, Bushwick NY. (curated by Stephen Romano)


The Skull and Skeleton in Art IV, Lakeland College, Kirtland, Ohio (curated by Mary Urbas)


Bloom Art Fair, Koln, Germany (exhibiting through Pink Zeppelin Gallery)


Lexicon Infernali, Stephen Romano Gallery, Bushwick NY (curated by Stephen Romano)


The Coaster Show, La Luz De Jesus Gallery, Los Angeles, California (curated by Matt Kennedy)


Nightmare in Wonderland part III, PinkZeppelin Gallery, Berlin Germany (curated by Ixie Darkonn)


Opus Hypnagogia, Morbid Atanotmy Museum, Brooklyn NY (curated by Stephen Romano


Creature Feature, Left Hand Black, San Diego CA (curated by Crystal Turk)


Infernal Devices, Gristle Gallery, Brooklyn NY (curated by Sean Jenkins)


Other Worlds, Hive Gallery, Los Angeles CA (curated by White Matter)


Myth, Magic and Lore, BASH contemporary Gallery, San Fracisco CA (curated by CCV art collective)


Conjoined V, Copro Gallery, Santa Monica CA (curated by Chet Zar)




Bless the Lost and All the Little Beasts, Signature Contemporary Gallery, ATL. GA


In Missa Interfectionis, Stephen Romano Gallery, Brooklyn, NY (curated by Stephen Romano 


Horrible Imaginings, Clutter Gallery, Beacon, New York (curated by Nick Curtis)


 Auguste Clown Gallery, Melborne, Australia (curated by Leigh Cornish)


The Coaster Show, La Luz De Jesus Gallery, Los Angeles, California (curated by Matt Kennedy)


 A Little Darkness, The Night Gallery, Santa Ana California (curated by Jeremy Cross)


 Mysterium Cosmographicum, Stephen Romano Gallery, Brookln, New York (curated by Stephen Romano)


CIrcus Sideshow, The Hive Gallery, Los Angeles, California (curated by Nathan Cartwright)


Welcome to the Dream Time, Stephen Romano Gallery, Brooklyn, New York (curated by Stephen Romano)       


Autopsy Baby Custom Show, Toy Art Gallery, Los Angeles, California (curated by Gino Joukar)


Creature Feature, Left Hand Black, San Diego, California (curated by: Crystal Dagan)


Night Vision, Campfire Gallery, San Francisco, California (curated by: Craig Zeretsky)


Desiderata, Gristle Tattoo, Brooklyn, NY,   (curated by: Dina DeCenso)


4 Bridges Arts Festival, First Tennessee Pavilion, Chattanooga, Tennessee (jurior: Jeffrey Adams)


Monsterpalooza Charity Auction, 2500 Hollywood Way in Burbank, California, (BlackSparrow Auctions) 


Through Darkness Untold, Arch Enemy Gallery, Philadelphia, PA (jurior: Lawren Alice) 


 Jay Ward Tribute Show, Van Eaton Gallery, Sherman Oaks CA. (curated by: Phillip Graffham)


 Conjoined IV, Copro Gallery, Santa Monica, CA (curated by: Chet Zar)




Merry Hex Mas, Black Vulture Gallery, Philadelphia, PA, (curated by: Rachael Shelly)


Monsters Among Us, Gristle Tattoo, Brooklyn, NY, May (curated by: Kat Gun)


Sepsis 21, The Gallery Zero, Portland, Oregon (curated by: Jonathan Boys)


 Creature Feature, Left Hand Black, San Diego, California (curated by: Crystal Dagan)


Arts & Culture Alliance Presents Selections from AVA’s Juried Members Exhibition, Emporium                                Center, Knoxville, Tennessee (juror: Paul Lee)


4 Bridges Arts Festival, First Tennessee Pavilion, Chattanooga, Tennessee


The HB Show, Van Eaton Gallery, Sherman Oaks, California (curated by: Phillip Graffham)




Juried Members Show, Association for Visual Artists, Chattanooga, Tennessee (juror: Paul Lee)


Fresh, Association for Visual Artists, Chattanooga, Tennessee


 Inconclusive Evidence, Apothecary Gallery, Chattanooga Tennessee


Student Juried Show, Cress Gallery, Chattanooga, Tennessee


Gallery Representation


Stephen Romano Gallery, Brooklyn, New York


Hyaena Gallery, Burbank, California 

Arch Enemy Arts, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


Gristle Gallery, Brooklyn, New York

SWINE Gallery, Chattanooga, Tennessee

2010 - present

2010 - present

© 2014 

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